Learn more about our student recruitment programs

Dorvict Resource & Consulting Centre Inc. is an international student recruitment agency based in Canada. We represent some of Canada’s most prestigious and most affordable universities and colleges. We work with people of different educational and cultural backgrounds. Education has been recognized as a platform for the exchange of cultural, intellectual and commercial benefits between two countries. In view of this, our service is designed to achieve dual benefit to the host and visiting countries.
Dorvict is fully aware that securing a place at a Canadian university and thereafter settling quickly, safely and comfortably into life in Canada can be a difficult, time consuming and stressful activity for overseas students. In view of this, we have developed for our clients a comprehensive service that identifies the challenges of international students when planning to leave their home for a school overseas. Sometimes, regardless of the information people receive, it is more beneficial to have representatives that have “walked the walk” …experience helps!
Dorvict will aid overseas students enabling them to select suitable courses at appropriate universities, taking full account of their needs, goals, qualifications, climate concerns, finances and career aspirations. We work with recruiters who speak the language, understands the cultures and who possesses the information necessary for a smooth transition for prospective students.
We are aware that cultural differences, lack of information, language restrictions and unfamiliarity with formal Canadian processes are the primary reasons why overseas students often encounter difficulties and delays at each of the steps along the route from preparing and applying for admission to a university or college, to arriving in Canada and then settling down into student life. Dorvict offers a comprehensive and enabling range of information, support and facilitation services for overseas students. These services cover all aspects of university or college applications, Canadian living and family life. Our students are referred to an immigration specialist who takes care of their immigration requirements, documentation and submission (Third party Service). For more information on immigration services you can contact Simeon Oyelade Chambers @ simeonoyelade
Student, Sponsor and Parent Services:
We provide advice and assistance in preparing and applying to a Canadian university, college or high school, in terms of English language, style and content of the application covering:
- The preparation of a personal statement
- Counselling prospective students on the availability of their proposed course
- Climate/weather information about country and school location
- Provides information needed to families, sponsors and parents for making informed decision
- Additional arrangement for community orientation, information and assistance
- Receiving and responding to offer letters
- Advice and assistance in arranging accommodation in the Canada
After Admission Services, we;
Provide opportunity for student to evaluate our services and recommend necessary changes
Provide guide and information to student on scholarships and bursaries.
Arrange for Personal meet and greet at the nearest international airport upon first arrival in the Canada
Provide upon first arrival in the Canada private transportation service from the nearest international airport to the identified student accommodation (if pre-arranged)
Arrange for a personally guided orientation tour of the university campus and local town/city, highlighting key amenities like shops, restaurants, healthcare, post office, railway station, taxis, local sightseeing etc.
Advice students on the availability of community/social groups and activities for overseas students/visitors.
Arrange and connect new students with older student mentors
Provision of a comprehensive Welcome Pack containing a wealth of information about the student’s university, student life and the local town/city, including: being a student at a Canadian college or university, climate and clothes, travelling using public and private transport, what to see and do in the local area, shopping and eating out, safety, security and the Canada emergency services.
Some helpful Government links for further information:
Services for the parents, guardians and sponsors of overseas students
Parent, Guardian and Sponsor Concern
Most parental, guardian and sponsor concerns stem from the fact that the student is away from the watchful oversight of the parent or sponsor, this separation often makes it difficult for the parent or sponsor to keep a close eye on the student’s progress and wellbeing. Therefore, parents, guardians and sponsors often complain of being in the dark regarding their student(s), a situation sometimes exacerbated by students who may feel ashamed and hence unwilling to report less than ideal academic performance. There is, however, no doubt that the best chance of rectifying any substandard academic performance or wellbeing issue is to act as soon as the problem becomes apparent.
Academic progression monitoring and reporting (with the consent of adults)
Concerns Associated with Academic Progression (with the consent of adult students)
Common parental or guardianship concerns associated with the academic progression of a student may include:
- Concern that the student’s chances of academic success are not being maximised.
- Concern that the student may be struggling with academic matters because of language difficulties.
- Concern that if something was to start going wrong in the academic process, this information would not be conveyed to the parent, guardian or sponsor as quickly as possible.
- Concern that there is no-one located close to the student who can provide them with specialist impartial advice and support on academic matters.
- Pastoral care and oversight of student wellbeing
- Emergency contact and advice services
- Summary of Services for Parents, Guardians and Sponsors
It is for the reasons outlined above that Dorvict offers services to parents, guardians and sponsors which are specifically designed to provide regularly updated reports of both the academic progress and the personal wellbeing of the student, in addition to acting as an advisory and emergency contact service. This service is very important especially to High School Students.
Our responsibility will be to keep parents or guardians fully informed of the progress that the student is making on their academic course, providing an early warning should problems begin to develop, and hence promoting parent, guardian or sponsor peace of mind. Dorvict`s name will be on the students school profile for emergency contact so that changes can be received and relayed promptly.
Three packages of services for parents, guardians and sponsors are offered: FOCUS ON ACADEMIC MATTERS, FOCUS ON PERSONAL MATTERS AND FOCUS ON EMERGENCY SITUATIONS.
Discounts are available for parents and sponsors with multiple services. Please enquire for details.
*These services will require consents to release information to be signed by the student, parents and schools.
Life in Canada Package…..This Pack provides students with:
- Access to Telephone Helpline (during office hours) to enable them to seek advice on any general matter of life in Canada.
- Access to Dorvict On-line Questions and Answers Service (this is not an automated service – all queries are personally answered within 24 hours by one of our Dorvict experienced advisors).
- A comprehensive up-to-date information and advice on all general matters of life in Canada, including each of the following issues.
- Canada legal requirements and the implications of being a student in Canada.
- Registering for and accessing healthcare and dental care provision
- Keeping yourself and your belongings safe and secure, personal and belongings insurance
- Accessing banking and financial services and the costs of living estimation
- Undertaking paid work in Canada, the restrictions and income tax implications
- The availability of leisure services, and tourism and holidays in Canada
- Driving in Canada, obtaining a driving license, buying and running a car
- Canadian etiquette, customs and traditions
- Buying a home, Renting and accommodation
- Sourcing information and advice, and using communications
- The availability of supporting adult education courses (English Language, ESL, etc)
*Please note that most of these services are available at a cost. It is a pay per user based service